Colours & Gradients


This is our main brand colour.

RGB: 244, 54, 76
HEX: #F4364C
CMYK: 0,82,53,0


This is used insted of true back in all digital styles. For print this is switched for true black instead.

RGB: 36, 35, 40
HEX: #242328

This colour is used at varying opacities throughoug our apps.

90%#39393d57, 57, 61
80%#504f5380, 79, 83
70%#656568101, 101, 104
60%#7c7b7e124, 123, 126
50%#919193145, 145, 147
40%#a7a7a9167, 167, 169
30%#bdbdbe189, 189, 190

20%#d3d3d4211, 211, 212
10%#e9e9e9233, 233, 233

Light Grey

This colour is used as the background on /wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/720306177 and other grid layouts that use the card style.

RGB: 243, 243, 243
HEX: #f3f3f3


Gradients always spread from top to bottom on digital, but may be angled on print.

Main Gradient

Colour 1Colour 2


HEX: #F4364C

RGB: 244, 54, 76

HEX: #e77a31

RGB: 231, 122, 49

Additional Gradients

We have two additional gradients which should be used sparingly for pops of colour or contrast.

Colour 1Colour 2

HEX: #17d08c

RGB: 23, 208, 140

HEX: #73c65c

RGB: 115,198,92

Colour 1Colour 2

HEX: #1a1b2d

RGB: 26, 27, 45

HEX: #1a765f

RGB: 26, 118, 95